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RichInStyle.com test pages: text - forms

Text-decoration test

These all have text-decoration: underline. That should be applied to any text; however, the checkbox and radio button should not be underlined.

  1. A text box:
  2. A radio button:
  3. A checkbox:
  4. A submit button:
  5. A reset button:
  6. A push button:
  7. A password box:
  8. An upload control:
  9. A hidden control:
  10. A image button:
  11. A image button with alt text:
  12. This has underline on the SELECT:

  13. This has underline on one of the options:

  14. A fieldset A legend in that fieldset
  15. A fieldset A legend in that fieldset

White-space test

Vertical-align test

Each of these is subscripted.

  1. A text box:
  2. A radio button:
  3. A checkbox:
  4. A submit button:
  5. A reset button:
  6. A push button:
  7. A password box:
  8. An upload control:
  9. A hidden control:
  10. A image button:
  11. A image button with alt text:
  12. This has v-a on the SELECT:

  13. This has v-a on one of the options:

Text-align test

  1. The text in this textarea should be right-aligned.

  2. The text in this textarea should be centered.

  3. The text in this textarea should be justified.

Letter-spacing test

These all have letter-spacing: 10px. That should be applied to any text.

  1. A text box:
  2. A radio button:
  3. A checkbox:
  4. A submit button:
  5. A reset button:
  6. A push button:
  7. A password box:
  8. An upload control:
  9. A hidden control:
  10. A image button:
  11. A image button with alt text:
  12. This has letter spacing on the SELECT:

  13. This has letter spacing on one of the options:

  14. A fieldset A legend in that fieldset
  15. A fieldset A legend in that fieldset

Word-spacing test

These all have word-spacing: 10px. That should be applied to any text.

  1. A text box:
  2. A radio button:
  3. A checkbox:
  4. A submit button:
  5. A reset button:
  6. A push button:
  7. A password box:
  8. An upload control:
  9. A hidden control:
  10. A image button:
  11. A image button with alt text:
  12. This has word spacing on the SELECT:

  13. This has word spacing on one of the options:

  14. A fieldset A legend in that fieldset
  15. A fieldset A legend in that fieldset